He just pronounced us married!
One year ago, my husband and I were celebrating our wedding day. I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown!
I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished in just a year. Our main goal was to begin our life together on the right financial track, and I’m confident that we’ve accomplished that goal and then some!
Here’s what we’ve accomplished in one short year:
- We learned to create and follow a budget.
- We started saving an emergency fund, which is now 65% complete.
- We became credit card debt free.
- We started the long road to paying off our student loan debt.
- We began saving for our future with retirement savings accounts.
- We’re working toward saving for our shared dream — a trip to Europe.
- We created a list of things to do before we have children that we’re working toward completing.
- Most importantly, we learned that personal finance is romantic. The best thing we can do for our marriage is work as a team to manage our finances, save for the future, and make our dreams come true.
It hasn’t been easy for my husband, but he has been incredibly supportive as we adapted to this new lifestyle. When we began living frugally, I was the one constantly reminding him of our goals. Now I love it when he’s the one reminding me. We’re a great team, and I’m excited about all that we’ll accomplish together in the future.
After an amazing year with an amazing partner, I’m looking forward to many frugal years to come!
How exciting to look back and see what you’ve accomplished as a team. Congratulations!!
Congratulations! It sounds like you guys are really killing it. Keep up all the great work!
Baker @ ManVsDebt’s last blog post..Weekend Reading: Can You “Digg” It?
Happy anniversary! May you have many more!
Kacie’s last blog post..Happy Memorial Day & roundup
congrats! We just celebrated our first year too — May 11. Like you, things have been frugal. He’s been on unemployment and I’ve been on disability and working very, very part time. But we’re still paying down debt and haven’t gotten sick of each other. (And a year in a one bedroom apartment contains plenty of opportunities!)
I hope you had a wonderful anniversary celebration!
Abigail’s last blog post..The TWO secrets of frugality revealed here!
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