Menu Plan & Grocery Round Up – 11/15-11/21

Our total for the week was $62, which is $2 over our maximum budget. I’m not complaining, though. We walked out with a TON of food.

We shopped this week at the pricier store in our area, because they were offering turkeys for 49 cents a pound with the purchase of $25 in groceries.

We were originally going to buy just a turkey breast, but I haven’t seen them on sale this year for under $1.60 a pound. I couldn’t resist 49 cents a pound for turkey, especially since there’s only a week and a half until Thanksgiving. We also picked up potatoes for Thanksgiving as well as whipped cream for our pumpkin pie.

We also got four New York strip steaks, which we’ll freeze and use for dinners later. We split one steak between us, so we’ll stretch those steaks out to four meals.

This store takes some of the discounts off after everything is completely rang up. I was expecting to go over our budget since our cart was so full. I cringed when the total came to $90. But then she took off the discount for the steaks and the turkey, as well as a 5% discount since my husband is a student. We saved almost $30!

For our menu plan this week, we’re raiding our pantry and freezer to make the most of what we have since some of our grocery budget this week went toward our Thanksgiving meal. Most of our meals are coming from a whole chicken that’s been in our freezer for a couple weeks. Here’s what we have planned:

Saturday: Film festival dinner party (We got free tickets! Woo hoo!)
Sunday: Roasted chicken and potatoes (We need to make stock this week, so it was time for a chicken.)
Monday: Chicken fajita tortilla soup
Tuesday: Leftovers/sandwiches
Wednesday: Chicken quesadillas
Thursday: Shepherd’s pie
Friday: Homemade pizza

Now head over to OrgJunkie for more menu plans!

3 thoughts on “Menu Plan & Grocery Round Up – 11/15-11/21

  1. marybeth at

    We ended up doing the same thing as you did with the turkey! We were also going to go with just a turkey breast, ($1.89 a pound) but we couldn’t pass up the super-low price ($.57 a pound in our area) of whole turkeys in our area. We actually ended up buying two!

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