Yesterday was a much needed paid holiday, but unfortunately I spent the morning quite ill. I’m feeling a lot better now, and I’m finally ready to tackle my round up.
But first, some housekeeping. I have been meaning to update my category situation for some time. I somehow ended up with over 40 categories. That wasn’t working well from a usability standpoint, and many of them overlapped in subject matter. So I converted all of my old categories to tags, and recategorized all of my posts into 11 categories. You can find my new navigation beneath my Google ads in the left sidebar. You’ll now be able to navigate to general subjects through the categories and more specific subjects through tags.
And now my favorite posts from around the blogosphere:
- Bargaineering shares some tips for how to save money buying wine.
- My Two Dollars examine’s Suze Orman’s advice to focus on savings and only pay the minimum due on credit cards during the recession. I agree that liquid savings should be a priority right now, but if you’re deep in credit card debt I’d recommend adding just a little to the minimum due.
- Mrs. Micah shares her financial story, and asks you to share yours.
- Sense to Save contemplates whether to save for a “starter house” or take more time to save for the house they really want.
- The Simple Dollar asks you to take a look at what really makes you happy, and balance your budget accordingly.
And from the Pecuniary Associates:
- Pecuniarities offers helpful tips for getting right back on the financial horse when you fall.
- Financial Nut gives some practical advice on budgeting for vacations. Better to work hard and save it up than charge it.
- Greener Pastures offers tips for avoiding recession weight gain.
- Counting My Pennies discusses the unique financial challenges of 20-somethings.
Thanks for the mention!
Sorry you were sick. Looks like you got a lot done, though! I’ve also been doing some blog maintenance this week. It’s a nice feeling.
Organizing categories is particularly useful, they can really get out of hand.
Mrs. Micah’s last blog post..Getting Out of Debt Builds Character