TGIF Round Up: Relaxing at home edition

I’m so looking forward to this weekend. We had a lot of fun last weekend taking a short trip out of town, but I’m looking forward to some good old fashioned relaxation. The forecast is calling for rain, so I’m happy to take a cue from the weather and spend the weekend at home.

I’ve let my house get a little messier in its dark corners than I like. It usually looks pretty tidy on the outside, but I need to spend some time dusting and vacuuming under furniture. I hope to get some of that done, but I can’t make any promises. :)

I also need to catch up on my reading. It never seems like I have enough time throughout the week to read as much as I’d like.

And now onto my favorite posts from this week:

And from the Pecuniary Associates:

That’s all from me for the week. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Happy Friday!