I’m so grateful for all of the kind words of support on yesterday’s post. I was incredibly nervous about posting it — so nervous that I actually woke up in the middle of the night, changed my mind, and canceled it. But when I woke up in the morning and read over it again, I decided it was important for me to be honest if only to prove that there’s nothing shameful about my decision to try medication. I’m SO glad I decided to run it. Thank you so much for being so supportive. I have the best readers. :)
And now on to something a little more upbeat! It’s Friday, which means I’ll be treating myself to a 32 oz. fountain Diet Coke this afternoon. Back in my pre-budget days, Friday night was date night. I looked forward to going out to dinner and maybe seeing a movie. But even though we’re cooking at home every night and enjoying quiet weekends at home now, I still crave a fun treat for Friday afternoon. So I run to the convenience store on my lunch break and pick up a HUGE Diet Coke for $1. It’s the only time of the week when I drink soda, and it’s also my way of kicking off the weekend. I tell ya, I am WILD. :)
But here’s my question for you: How do you kick off the weekend? Do you have a weekly tradition? I’d love to hear how you treat yourself!
And now for some links:
- On Simplicity asks what makes your house a home? Hint: It’s not a bunch of expensive furnishings.
- Grad-Student Girlfriend, a great new blog I’ve been reading, is facing one of the many challenges of working in an office: expensive lunches.
- Free From Broke warns of debt traps for college students. I wish someone had warned me!
- Almost Frugal offers 12 5-minute money saving tips for those of us who want to slash the budget even though we’re short on time.
- The Happy Housewife has some great ideas for frugal gifts.
Happy Friday, and have a great weekend!
Does your McD’s have $1 fountain sodas of all sizes? They weren’t all $1 in Connecticut, but they are here in KY.
.-= Jill´s last blog ..Keep the Change… =-.
I’m not sure. I get my sodas at a convenience store around the corner from my office. :)
The weekend for us means pizza Friday! Woo-hoo. With three kids now we don’t go out much. Pizza Friday means I come home from work and we don’t have to worry about dinner.
.-= FFB´s last blog ..Debt Traps College Students Fall Into =-.