Is this really the first menu plan of October? Holy cow, where is the year going? I’m not complaining, though. The faster time goes, the faster we get to beautiful fall weather. I can’t wait!
This week was not a good week for our grocery budget. Tony’s birthday was Sunday, and I found myself going a little overboard at the grocery store. We picked up quite a few things that weren’t on the list, including ingredients for a coffee cake he was craving instead of birthday cake and a 12-pack of Coke. Those little extra really add up! The result was a $70 grocery bill. Yikes. It’s been a while since we had one of those.
But he had a fantastic birthday, and if we can’t indulge a little bit for a birthday, when can we do it?
Here’s our $70 menu for this week:
Saturday: Pizza (Tony’s parents sent him some cash for his birthday, so we went out for dinner!)
Sunday: Chicken and dumplings
Monday: Leftovers/sandwiches
Tuesday: Chicken tacos and refried beans
Wednesday: Chicken Caesar salad
Thursday: Bean and cheese burritos
Friday: Homemade pizza
For more menu plans, visit OrgJunkie. Have a great Monday!
I love homemade pizza :)