I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the direction of this blog. The truth is, the more settled we become in frugality, the harder it’s become for me to find inspiration for finance-related posts. As Tony and I continue to live a healthy, simple lifestyle, though, I’ve been hit with a ton of inspiration and ideas about simplicity and healthy living.
This is a frugal blog, and I want it to remain a frugal blog. But I’ve been doing some thinking about what frugality really means to me and why I started this blog and this lifestyle to begin with.
When I started this blog, I wanted to document our financial journey and learn new ways to save money. But more than that, I wanted to live healthfully, happily, and simply. That’s why I named the blog “Living Well on Less.” Above all else, I want to live well (don’t we all?). Spending wisely is just another part of living well. Budgeting and saving free us from the stress of paycheck-to-paycheck living and allow us to focus on living a simple, healthy lifestyle.
As I approach the 1-year anniversary of this blog, I’d like to shift my focus just a little bit. I’ll be writing more about lifestyle, simple living, healthy living, and, as my blog title says, living well.
This doesn’t mean I’m abandoning finance posts. After all, mindful spending is a huge part of the simple, frugal lifestyle. I’ll still write about saving money and spending wisely. But I’ll also be writing more about health and wellness, happiness, and simplicity. I’ve always written on these topics, but in the past I felt compelled to tie them in somehow with finance. From now on, all of my posts won’t be related to finance. Some of them will just fall under the umbrella of living well.
I hope you’ll find this updated theme helpful and interesting. I’m so excited! I have a ton of ideas, and I can’t wait to share them with you.
As always, feel free to contact me or comment if you have suggestions for topics you’d like to read about on “Living Well on Less.” Thanks for reading!
Sounds good! I’m trying to figure out if my blog needs to go in a new direction as well. It has become increasingly harder to be inspired about $$
.-= Kacie´s last blog ..Using my credit card feels bad =-.
Sounds good! can’t wait to read more!
It is very interesting what is going to happen to all the Personal Finance blogs, mine included. The more we get used to living a frugal life and it becomes a norm what do we write about? Your direction sounds great and I can’t wait to read more.
.-= Viviana´s last blog ..Do You Have a Secret??? =-.
Congratulations on your decision. I completely understand where you’re coming from. As bloggers, I think we find inspiration in what we’re struggling with ourselves. I’ve recently started a personal finance blog, too, because I love the subject. But my finances are in pretty good order, so I find myself wanting to think and write about personal growth, philosophies of money, balance, etc., rather than how to get your money in line.
The nice thing about a blog is that you can do whatever you want with it. As long as you continue to write well, with the engaging voice and enlightening thoughts that you’ve been sharing for the past year, your readers will follow you.
.-= The Frugal New Yorker´s last blog ..My Savings Goals =-.
It sounds good! Life is all about enjoyment – and while being frugal and saving money does bring me enjoyment, so do other things, things like spending quality time with friends, family, and loved ones, things like reading a novel at the park on a sunny day! Can’t wait to see the direction this blog will go in. :)
I like that you are going to change it up. Over the last two or three years there have been a lot of financial blogs pop up and while helpful, some have gotten repetitive and a little stale. With financially responsibility comes simplicity and simplicity just makes life easier to live (I think). Thanks.