Now more than ever I need to remind myself that as challenging as my days can be lately, I am very very lucky. Instead of complaining today, I’m affirming all of the reasons that I have to feel thankful on the day after my 26th birthday.
- A medically uncomplicated pregnancy, and the healthy baby boy who will result from it (eventually).
- My wonderful husband, who is working so hard to provide for us and take care of me on the days when I’m feeling particularly ill.
- The incredible kindness and generosity of the friends and family who attended our baby shower this weekend, and the bounty of much needed baby items they brought for us.
- Central air conditioning to keep me cool despite the 85-degree heatwave we’re experiencing in Indiana. (If I wasn’t pregnant, I would tough it out with fans and open windows. Sorry, electric bill. You’re just going to have to deal with a couple days of air conditioner use in October.)
- The imminent and much anticipated arrival of fall and winter in the Midwest. I’ve missed it so much for the past three years, and I’m so glad I’ll finally be here to enjoy fall foliage, crisp air, and snow.
- My parents, my sisters, Tony’s family, and our friends for providing us with the support network we missed so much when we were living 800 miles away.
- Howie, the best dog in the world.
- My blog readers, who have been so incredibly helpful with tips, encouragement, and inspiration over the past 2 years.
- Generic Zantac, the midwife-approved medication that is keeping my reflux (somewhat) bearable in the final weeks of this pregnancy. I don’t like taking medication while pregnant, but the Zantac is much more effective and much preferred over 20 Tums a day.
- Plentiful freelance work that will help us replenish our emergency fund.
- Pumpkin-shaped Reese’s peanut butter cups.
- Mid-day naps.
- Thanksgiving, which is rapidly approaching.
- Only 58 days until my estimated due date. I don’t know for sure that he’ll be here by then, but it feels good to know the end is getting so close.
I’m trying really hard to focus on the positive today. Why are you grateful?